The Institute of Community Safety (ICS) offers the following three levels of membership:
Associate Member
Membership can be obtained as either an individual member or as part of a corporate membership but will still fall within one of these categories. Further details of the criteria can be found under the relevant section below.
The process for joining involves submission of an application form together with payment of the relevant membership fee and is subject to acceptance criteria being established from a framework of accreditation and recognition at the particular level being considered.
We are currently offering joining and returning members 1 year's full membership (MInstCS) for £90 and Associate Membership for £40. We also offer corporate Associate Membership for groups of interested individuals and practitioners - please get in touch via this website to discuss numbers and the associated fees.
Membership is designed to validate professional status, indicate a relevant standard of competence, provide recognition & currency. Members can influence policies/procedures/practice, access relevant training and lobby on the subject of community safety. It is available and applicable to Community Safety Professionals, academics and workers in allied fields.
This category of membership is open for anyone interested in community safety without necessarily being professionally engaged. There is no prerequisite qualification or experience, but expressions of interest will be assessed by the ICS Board Membership Panel. Expressions should include the reason for interest in the subject, any intended activity in the areas of community safety or crime prevention, and any intention to pursue qualification training. On approval by the panel Associate Members will be entitled to use the post nominal AMInstCS after their name. Application is made by completion of an application form (available by request via this website) and payment of the fee.
This category of membership is open to applicants who can provide evidence of a Crime Prevention, Community Safety, Anti-Social Behaviour or Protective Security-related qualification (for example BTEC Level 3 or above or equivalent), completion of the ICS Level 1 (and subsequent levels), or by evidencing relevant experience which will be submitted and assessed by the ICS Membership Panel. Successful approval and payment of the fee will then admit the applicant to membership and permit the member to use the designatory post nominal letters MInstCS after their name.
Lifetime Fellowship is bestowed on current members who are either invited to become Trustee Directors of the Institute or who make a significant contribution to the Institute itself, or to community safety in general. Prospective Fellows are nominated by a current full member, considered by the ICS Board Membership Panel & forwarded with a recommendation to the Board of Trustee Directors who vote. Success at this stage admits the member to lifetime Fellowship without fee, permitting the Fellow to use the post nominal letters FInstCS and allowing them to all the benefits and professional status of Fellowship.
Please note that Fellowship can be withdrawn by the Board of Trustee Directors at any time should any breach of trust or standard of professional conduct occur.